Sunday, May 31, 2015



      This week I'd like to share a bit about a project I've been working on with my 7th and 8th grades in culmination of our unit on economics. We are using a game called Capitalism II. In the game students are tasked to work together or compete as they produce and sell products for their made up corporations. So far the students have been highly receptive and are learning the perils and joys of supply and demand first hand! I've attached a copy of my lesson plan/instructions packet. The player who makes the most money wins.


  1. This sounds like an amazing game! I would love to know how students are doing with it. Are they in groups or working singularly? The collaborative piece is always interesting - how they divide the responsibilities, can they figure out whose responsibility it is to write the business plan, how does the supply chain work, etc.

    This also sounds a bit like something that could be recreated in Minecraft. Joel Levin, the Minecraft Teacher, came up with something like this for the Museum of Natural History:, and here's the event:

  2. Really fascinating lesson plan with a ton of information that gets students thinking in ways that have real-world applications. I was wondering also, what virtual world you are having them work in? I love the ideas shared by Sally in regards to using Minecraft, it seems like it would be a perfect fit.

    1. Hi Heidi,

      No virtual world. Just using the computer game Capitalism II:
